One Health
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The MSU GlobalHealth Initiative envisions a world where health for all is achieved through an integrated, OneHealth approach that unites human, animal, and environmental health. This vision will be realized through the following strategic actions:

The OneHealth emblem represents the integration of human, animal, and environmental health, underscoring the interdependencies critical to achieving health security and resilience worldwide.
Mission Statement
Michigan State University has a longstanding commitment to excellence in OneHealth education and innovation. As a leading institution in GlobalHealth, MSU is dedicated to advancing health development worldwide by championing the five essential elements of GlobalHealth:
1. Human Health
2. Animal Health
3. Agriculture
4. Food Safety & Security
5. Environmental Health
Key Benefits of MSU’s GlobalHealth Approach
• Enhanced diagnosis and prevention of zoonotic diseases.
• Comprehensive solutions to human development and security issues.
• Integrated management strategies across health sectors.
• Strengthened global workforce in health.
• Proactive environmental health measures and hazard detection.
• Holistic food safety and security protocols.
• Improved patient outcomes and stakeholder satisfaction.
Preserving Biodiversity through Biosafety: A One Health Perspective
Without a balance of living organisms, none of our ecosystems could thrive. Biosecurity is a holistic term that includes policies and regulations to protect humans, food, agriculture, and the environment from potential biological threats. This year the celebration on One Health will focus on biosecurity to preserve Biodiversity and a sustainable future.
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Don’t miss out!
Join global leaders, experts, and advocates committed to safeguarding our planet’s health for future generations. Together, we can drive meaningful change—don’t miss this opportunity to make an impact!
- 8:00AM-3:00 PM
- ISTB Building, 766 Service Rd, East Lansing, Main Hall
Recent Events
Food Security
Addressing local and global factors that impact the optimal health and well-being for humans, animals, and the environment is the priority at this event. This year, the celebration encompasses a focus on the topic of Food Security and its related topics to Pollution, Agriculture Production, Planetary Health, Eco Health and One Health, featuring speakers from Natural Science, Animal Science and Health Care Sciences.

Antimicrobial Resistance and Climate Change
Addressing local and global factors that impact the optimal health and well-being for humans, animals, and the environment is the priority at this event. This year, the celebration also encompasses a focus on Antimicrobial Resistance and Climate Change featuring speakers from Natural Science, Animal Science and Health Care Sciences.

Global One Health effects of low- level radiation on human health
Addressing local and global factors that impact the optimal health and well-being for humans, animals, and the environment is one of the priorities at this event. This year, the celebration also encompasses an international webinar on “Global One Health effects of low- level radiation on human health” featuring speakers from Japan, Canada and USA in correlation with MSU efforts on radiation effects research.