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Team Members

Project Management Team (PMT)
The project management team consists of three members including Dr. Ramjee
Ghimire from CANR, Qing Xia from the Institute for Global Health, and Furqan
Irfan from the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Michigan State University
manages the project. Three Country Coordinators, one each from Laos PDR,
Thailand, and Vietnam, work closely with and support the Project Management
Team. Country Coordinators coordinate with country stakeholders and monitor
the MOHIP activities. The International Advisory Board comprises senior faculty
and leaders from MSU colleges and the Mekong region, one each from three
countries. The board advises the PMT to implement the MOHIP successfully.

Ramjee P. Ghimire, PhD
Specialist at MSU, has 20+ years’ expertise in agricultural extension, animal health, and global outreach. He leads MSU WorldTAP and MOHIP, contributing extensively to research and policy.

Furqan B. Irfan, MD, PhD, MBA
Assistant Professor & Director of Research Development at MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. Expert in research, epidemiology, global health, big data, & policy. Leads Evidence-Based Medicine for 300 students. Advisory Board Member at Health Practice & Infineon Technologies.

Qing Xia, PhD
Associate Director at MSU’s Institute for Global Health, specializes in global health education, interdisciplinary team building, and One Health. She leads initiatives in capacity building, professional development, and community engagement.
Vannaphone Putthana, BSc, MSc, PhD
- Vice-Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, National University of Laos (NUoL)
- Address: Ban Dongnasok Tai, Sykhottabong District, Vientiane Capital, PO Box 7322, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
- Email: v.phouthana@nuol.edu.la
Nguyen Quoc Dinh, PhD
- Research Institute of Disaster and Environments (RIDES), CT3A Me Tri Thuong, Nam Tu Liem, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
- Economic Geology and Geomatics Department, Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources (VIGMR), 67, Chien-Thang-Str, Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
- Email: dinhnq@gmail.com
Saengduen Moonsom, PhD
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Ratchawithi Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400 Thailand
- Email: saengduen.moo@mahidol.ac.th
Theerakamol Pengsakul, PhD
- Associate Professor, Health and Environmental Research Center, Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand
- Email: theerakamol.p@psu.ac.th, theerakamol@gmail.com
(All located in the USA, specifically Michigan State University unless otherwise noted)
Vannaphone Putthana, BSc, MSc, PhD
- Vice-Dean, Faculty of Agriculture
- National University of Laos (NUoL)
- Address: Ban Dongnasok Tai, Sykhottabong District, Vientiane Capital, PO Box 7322, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
- Email: v.phouthana@nuol.edu.la
Nguyen Quoc Dinh, PhD
- Research Institute of Disaster and Environments (RIDES)
- CT3A Me Tri Thuong, Nam Tu Liem, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
- Economic Geology and Geomatics Department, Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources (VIGMR)
- 67, Chien-Thang-Str, Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
- Email: dinhnq@gmail.com
Saengduen Moonsom, PhD
- Associate Professor
- Faculty of Tropical Medicine Mahidol University
- Ratchawithi Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400 Thailand
- Email: saengduen.moo@mahidol.ac.th
Theerakamol Pengsakul, PhD
- Associate Professor
- Health and Environmental Research Center, Faculty of Environmental Management
- Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand
- Email: theerakamol.p@psu.ac.th, theerakamol@gmail.com
Srinand Sreevatsan, BVSc, MVSc, MPH, PhD
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies; Professor
Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation, College of Veterinary Medicine
784 Wilson Road, Room F130G, East Lansing, MI 48824
Email: sreevats@msu.edu
Karim M. Maredia, PhD
Director of CANR International Programs; Senior Global Scholar
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
Address: Plant & Soil Science Building, 1066 Bogue Street, East Lansing, MI 48824
Email: kmaredia@msu.edu
Jiaguo Qi, PhD
Professor, Geography Environment Spatial Sciences; Director of Asia Hub
Address: Manly Miles Bldg 1405 S Harrison Rd STE 218, East Lansing, MI
Email: qi@msu.edu
Peilei Fan, PhD
Professor, Center for Global Change and Earth Observation
Address: Human Ecology 552 W Circle Dr, Room 201M, East Lansing, MI 48823
Email: fanpeile@msu.edu
Jianguo Liu, PhD
Professor, Director of Center for System Integration and Sustainability
Fisheries and Wildlife
Address: Manly Miles Bldg, 1405 S Harrison Rd, STE 115, East Lansing, MI 48823
Email: liuji@msu.edu
Amanda Flaim, PhD
Assistant Professor, James Madison College
Address: S Case Hall. 842 Chestnut Rd, Room S307, East Lansing, MI 48823
Email: flaim@msu.edu
Yadu Pokharel, PhD
Associate Professor, College of Engineering
Address: Engineering Bldg 428, S Shaw Ln, East Lansing, MI 48823
Email: ypokhrel@msu.edu
Pham-Duc Phuc, MD, PhD
- Deputy Director of the Center for Public Health & Ecosystem Research (CENPHER)
- Hanoi University of Public Health
- 1A Duc Thang, Duc Thang Ward, North Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Coordinator of the Vietnam One Health University Network (VOHUN)
- Director, Institute of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development (IEHSD)
- Email: pdp@huph.edu.vn; pdp@vohun.org
Mayfong Mayxay, MD, PhD
- Vice-Rector, University of Health Sciences
- Ministry of Health, Vientiane, Laos
- President of the Lao Infectious Disease Society (LIDS)
- Chairman, Lao One Health University Network (LAOHUN)
- Vice-Chairman, National Ethics Committee for Health Research, Ministry of Health, Laos
- Head of Field Research, Lao-Oxford-Mahosot Hospital
- Email: mayfong@tropmedres.ac
Pratap Singhgasivanon, PhD
- Secretary General/ Coordinator of SEAMEO TROPMED Network
- Consultant, Department of Tropical Hygiene, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
- Email: pratap.sin@mahidol.ac.th